The purpose of the Workshop is the participants to exchange experience, present good
practices, innovations and their own plans and priorities on initiatives on cultural and
creative products for visitors at partners’ destinations.
Different concepts of Cultural and Creative Industries are going to be presented among all
partners in order to come in common understanding about how different regions can get
inspired from good practices and adopt useful elements.
Discussions in four (4) small groups will follow on:
a) Transfer of best practices: How can we deploy CCIs for CCT?
b) Stakeholder involvement: How to engage key stakeholders?
c) Policy Change, Potential Actions for the Action Plans: How can we improve
policy instruments in Cult-CreaTE partner destinations with CCT based on CCIs in
the Action Plans?
The overall objective of Cult- CreaTE Project is to redeploy CCIs for the development and
promotion of CCT strategies, with sustainability, innovations, capitalisation, policy learning,
policy implementation and capacity building.
Main outputs are action plans, with implementation and monitoring of improved policy
instruments in 8 destination regions, communication and dissemination tools for policy
learning and capacity building, contribution to EUpolicies and EU2020 targets. The
beneficiaries are public authorities and their stakeholders.
For more information please visit the website:
Nicosia’s Tourism Board
25 October 2019