3rd Transnational Partners Meeting of the FAST program

The Fast (Facilitating Accessibility in Support of Tourism) partners held their 3rd transnational meeting in Vienna on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at the accommodations of BEST organization.

The partners from Slovenia, Austria, Cyprus, Portugal and Greece discussed the 3rd reference period of the project and the progress of the program diffusion activities. The partners are currently working for the development of the Accessible Travel Facilitator.

A total of 5 educational units will be developed. At the meeting of each partner he presented an educational unit on which he would work. The modules will focus on different types of disabilities, cultural differences, tourism, diversity of disabilities and communication.

The next meeting will be organized by the Nicosia Region Tourism Development and Promotion Company on 17 – 18 May 2022. The aim of this meeting is to discuss the progress of the handed over as well as the forthcoming “Train the Trainer” (TTT) action, which will be made in Slovenia in June. The purpose of the action is to test the educational material that will be developed by the consortium and to make the necessary changes where needed.

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